
Lately, we've been going through some of the older Guitar World videos on YouTube—and we've been finding some pretty unusual (and often quite cool) stuff. Such as this 2008 video titled "In the...

Lately, we've been going through some of the older Guitar World videos on YouTube—and we've been finding some pretty unusual (and often quite cool) stuff. Such as this 2008 video titled "In the Studio with... Yngwie Malmsteen." In this clip, which—we stress—was posted to YouTube November 14, 2008, Malmsteen:

• shreds
• shows off his studio knick-knacks
• shows off his suit of armor
• shows off and discusses his recording studio
• shows off some of his guitars ...

... and it's that last part that is—by far—the coolest part of this video (although the suit of armor is pretty interesting). Malmsteen offers close-up views of his favorite vintage Fenders, Gibsons and more and tells the stories behind a few of them. To say the least, there's some pretty impressive stuff in his collection. To help you out a bit, time-wise: The general chatter starts at :28. He starts showing off his guitars at 1:15. We see his suit of armor at 6:40. Enjoy!

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