
The Apple Corporation has, in celebration of the groundbreaking film's upcoming 50th anniversary, announced a comic book adaptation of Yellow Submarine. The comic book, which will be...

The Apple Corporation has, in celebration of the groundbreaking film's upcoming 50th anniversary, announced a comic book adaptation of Yellow Submarine. The comic book, which will be distributed by Titan Comics, is slated for release in 2018.

"We're thrilled to be publishing The Beatles: Yellow Submarine for the 50th anniversary of this fantastic movie," Titan publishing director Chris Teather told [1]The Hollywood Reporter[2].[3] "We can't wait for Beatles fans to experience this official adaptation." 

Bill Morrison, the incoming editor of MAD Magazine, wrote and illustrated The Beatles: Yellow Submarine. The comic book, like the film, will follow the Fab Four as they battle the Blue Meanies while journeying in the titular vessel.


  1. ^ told  (
  2. ^ The Hollywood Reporter (
  3. ^ . (

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