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In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re living in an audio-hungry world. You’re listening to Spotify and 2 Dope Queens all day, while thumbing through all the videos on Instagram and the latest on Snapchat Discover. You’re talking with Siri while The Daily plays in the background. Sometimes, when it all gets too much, the best thing your headphones can do is block everything out. Either way, treat your ears right.


Panasonic ErgoFit In-Ear Earbuds Headphones Panasonic’s standard earbuds cost less than half what you’ll spend replacing your iPhone’s EarPods. They also sound better, come in more vibrant colors, and offer more isolation since they’re actually creating a seal in your ear. Get a pair for your gym bag, another for your car, and a third just in case, and you’ve still barely spent EarPods money. Buy for $12[2].

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