As a staunch believer in non-existent superstitions I feel that the ukulele is a very dangerous, sensual instrument that could lead to the ruination of our young people and rend the very fabric of society. That said, I can now play Stand By Me on the Populele, a feat that was rendered possible by the melding of LEDs, Bluetooth, and a clever app.

The Populele by Popuband[1] is a $159 Ukelele with a plastic fretboard. LEDs embedded under the fretboard light up to show you where to fret your chords and the included app allows you to play learning games or follow along to popular songs. The resulting mix of high and low tech (and sinful ukulele playing) are a real treat.

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The uke is a four-stringed instrument tuned to G–C–E–A (you can also tune the ukulele to an open or slack key tuning which makes playing a little different.) The basic chords – G/C/D and the occasional F and Am – are all easily accessible for anyone with basic hand-eye coordination and if you’ve played a guitar then a uke is quite simple. Add in a cute, candy-colored app featuring floppy ukulele-loving bunnies and you’ve created a gateway drug to the ravages of ukulele music and/or a great opportunity for music fans of all ages to play the “jumping flea.”

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