
Plants, like humans, need food, water, beer, and television. What better way to tell if your plant is hungry or thirsty (or bored) than a little nubbin that sits inside its pot and send you notifications when things are amiss. That’s why you need a HelloPlant[1].

The system lets you name your plants and then watch them as they grow. When the soil is too dry you get a notification and you can see where the plant is getting the best and most light. It modifies the notifications based on plant type so you won’t have to go digging in plant books for growing advice.

I had an early version of the nubbin and it worked well. However, it’s pretty much a plant notification system that could use a few more bells and whistles – maybe some sort of self-watering system so we can further ignore our chlorophylliac friends? That said at $26 for a single Wi-Fi connected unit you’re not paying too much for peace of mind. Soon maybe these things can deliver electrolytes – things that plants crave – right into the root bundle of your rhododendron....


  1. ^ HelloPlant (

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The Bigger the Base, the Greater the Upside Case. This saying among technical analysts/chartists helps define where we are today in the precious metals – and where we'll soon be headed.

It means that when prices "base" in a relatively narrow sideways range for an extended period, they will at some point break out. Before the action gets underway, bears and bulls alike will get "sandpapered" as they take positions, trying to guess whether or not the price is getting ready to decline further or move upward into a new bull phase.

If you consider that time spent in sideways consolidation represents a build-up in stored energy, then a valid upside breakout will be propelled by a lot of buying fuel as old shorts who bet on lower prices offset their losing positions and new longs jump in to get onboard the change in trend.

2017 Feb. Silver - Continuous Contract

Chart by Gary Savage, Editor, Smart Money Tracker.

This frustrating sideways movement is not taking place in a vacuum.

Bankster manipulation, algo-trading, "fat finger" futures markets' whip-saw behavior, and price chasing in both directions becomes a regular feature of the trading landscape. A long time goes by with neither side having enough trading power to break out of congestion.

This takes place concomitant with the central banks' war on cash, currency and trade manipulation, and geo-political brushfires stacking up around the globe. Ongoing strife in Syria, possible war with North Korea and flash points in the South China sea may be classed as severe "low-probability events, but as Jim Rickards says, when taken in total, it becomes highly probable that at least one of them will ignite a crisis, possibility starting a chain-reaction with

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