
Teased since[1] Overwatch's reveal[2] back in 2014, Doomfist[3] is finally coming to the popular hero shooter. Blizzard confirmed Doomfist's addition to the roster with a trailer showcasing his backstory and a developer update that explained what you can expect in terms of a move set.

Doomfist is an offensive class character, joining the likes of Tracer, Soldier 76, and Reaper. His attacks are close range with a gauntlet on his right hand allowing him to punch through shields and can fire shotgun shells from his left hand. His ultimate ability, Meteor Strike launches him into the air and crashes into the ground for maximum damage.


You can play as Doomfist in Overwatch right now on PC via Blizzard's Public Test Realm (PTR). So far, there's been no mention as to when Doomfist would be available for all. Given Blizzard's past history with Orisa, you can expect a Doomfist release date in about two weeks.

In terms of lore, Doomfist was defeated by an Overwatch strike team consisting of Winston, Tracer, and Genji and has been biding his time in prison until now. His arrival in the game should result in some interesting conversations with other characters like Reaper and Widowmaker - both of whom belong to the same organisation as him - Talon. Though he isn't voiced by actor Terry Crews, as some would have liked following Crews' lobbying for the role.

Prior to this, crashlogs for the game had hinted of Doomfist’s arrival to the game. There’s a mention of both - Doomfist and Summer Games. This was spotted on Reddit[4] and the official[5] Overwatch forums. They have since been deleted though you can check...

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