The director of District 9 and Elysium, Neill Blomkamp, is embarking on an experimental sci-fi short film project, which will be released on Steam[1] sometime in the next few months. There’s a teaser trailer[2] in store, if your interest is piqued. Blomkamp had tweeted[3] the idea in April, adding that they would serve as “tests for potential full feature films”.

Unlike Marvel[4], DC-Warner Bros have taken a different route for its shared universe, putting out team-ups first, and then standalone movies later. In an interview with CinemaBlend[5], a producer revealed that Aquaman would be set after the events of Justice League[6], unlike this week’s Wonder Woman, which has no connection to Batman v Superman[7].

In other Wonder Woman[8] news, the film was banned in Lebanon on the eve of its premiere, since its lead Gal Gadot is an Israeli, and has previously served in the army. Since the country is officially at war with Israel, its law states a boycott of all Israeli products, and a group successfully argued that Wonder Woman was an “Israeli soldier film[9]”. Funnily enough, Lebanon has released Gadot’s earlier movies, such as Batman v Superman, Fast and Furious 6, and Fast Five.

On Wednesday, The Hollywood Reporter[10] learned that Godzilla vs. Kong had found its director in Blair Witch’s Adam Wingard. The film will be the culmination of Warner Bros. MonsterVerse, which saw Kong: Skull Island[11] earlier this year.

Meanwhile, Variety[12] reported that the next entry in that franchise – Godzilla: King of the Monsters – has added to its cast by roping...

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